Pablo Software Solutions Niagara County Fire Wire
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April 2009 News

Updated Middleport's Officers.


Updated Lewiston #1 Officers.

Added numerous events to the calendar.


Received an e-mail today on the condition of Wrights Corners member and State Fire Instructor Tim Williams today. Tim was involved in a serious motorcycle accident on Friday 4/3 and was transported to ECMC with a broken pelvis. He had surgery on Saturday for the injury and is still at ECMC beginning the long recovery process ahead. Niagara County Fire Wire wishes the best to Tim, the Williams Family, Wrights Corners Fire Co, and all others involved and affected!


Added more Patch's to the album
Added link to pictures from the Schenck St. fire in March 2009
Added link to Wyoming County Fire Wire
Edited Ransomville's Officer's


Edited Ransomville's Officers
Added 2 events for Wolcottsville

    * 5/3: Texas Hold'em Special Event
    * 9/13: 3rd Annual 45 Gun Raffle

Please send me an e-mail if you'd like to be put on a mailing list of website updates!


MVA Rollover:
At approximately 10:45PM Rapids firefighters were dispatched to a 1 vehicle rollover accident in front of 8100 Tonawanda Creek Rd. Upon arrival of 19M7C call was completely on it's roof and patient had self-extricated. 19M7 and Rural Metro 520 arrived on scene and requested Mercy Flight and to be landed at Rapids Main Hall due to patient having a head injury. Mercy Flight 7 responded to the LZ within 6 minutes and transported the patient to ECMC. Apparatus on Scene: 19E1, 19M4, 19E5, 19M6, 19R9, Rural Metro 520, and NCSD.


MVA w/Injuries:
Around 5:15PM Gasport and Tri-Town monitors were alerted to an injury accident on Rt 31 between Orangeport and Cottage Roads. Upon arrival of 6M7A a second ambulance and Fire Police were requested. Terrys Corners Fire Police shut down Route 31 and both intersections. Tri-Town 1 responded from the Hartland Duty Station and Tri-Town 2 responded from the Middleport Duty Station. Both patients sustained non-traumatic injuries and were transported to ENH:Lockport. 6M7A notified Fire Control that a Lamar sign had been struck and an "I" beam was destroyed. Cause of accident is unknown. Apparatus on Scene: 6E2, 6M10, Tri-Town 1, Tri-Town 2, 25M4, and NCSD.


Field Fire:
Rapids monitors were alerted to a reported Field Fire at 7068 Rapids Rd. at around 2:30PM. Upon arrival of 19M7C he reported a large field fire and access point was trying to be determined. After further investigation access was on allowed via Kinne Rd. and 2 acres were reported to be on fire. Command requested additional tones for all available manpower, ATV's, and Wolcottsville Brush Truck to the scene. Fire was out in approximately 1 hour. No firefighter's sustained injuries. Apparatus on Scene: 19E1, 19E2, 19M6, 19R9, 19M10, 29M4, and NCSD.


ATV Accident:
Lewiston #1 members were dispatched around 11:15AM to Langdon Rd. for a reported car vs ATV injury accident. Reports coming into Fire Control were that the patient had been ejected off ATV and was laying in middle of road for all units to use caution upon approach. Upper Mountain ALS was immediately requested due to reports of patients' condition. Mercy Flight was also requested to land at the Lewiston #1 Sub-Station on Swann Rd. Fire Police was requested to shut down Langdon Rd. and 18M7 along with Lewiston #1 Fire Police closed the road. 31M7, 7M7A, and 7E2 landed Mercy Flight #7 which later transported the patient to Women and Children's Hospital of Buffalo. Cause of accident is unknown. Apparatus on Scene: 7E1, 7E2, 7R9, 7R9A, 7M11, 26M1, and LPD.


Vehicle Fire:
Adams and St. Johnsburg firefighter were alerted to a reported vehicle fire in the driveway of 3105 Steig Rd. with an exposure problem. Upon arrival of 1M7B car was fully engulfed and first arriving apparatus requested to be fully packed up and ready to go with handlines. If need a hydrant was in front yard of residence. Firefighter quickly put the fire out. Unknown cause or extent of damage. Area 2 Origin and Cause were requested to investigate fire. Apparatus on Scene: 1E1, 1E2, 20E1, 20A8, and NCSD.


Traumatic Fall:
Miller Hose minitors were alerted to an address on West Ave. for a female who fell down a complete flight of stairs bleeding significantly, having difficulty breathing, and complete body pain. At the same time Miller Hose got dispatched for another EMS call at the Newfane Health Facility which had Olcott toned out automatically. Due to Olcott's quick response their ambulance was requested to respond to the fall along with Miller Hose ALS asked to expedite. 11M7B quickly requested Mercy Flight to be landed at the Wrights Corners Fire Hall. Mercy Flight 7 landed at the Wrights Corners Fire Hall and the patient was transported to ECMC. Apparatus on Scene: 11M3, 16R9, and 30E1.


MVA w/Injuries
Around 5:30PM Hartland and Tri-Town monitors were alerted for an injury accident in front of 2418 Hartland Rd. between Seaman and Hartland-Somerset Townline Roads. Upon arrival of command Mercy Flight was requested to land and Barker was requested mutual aid for Fire Police to assist with traffic control and Landing Zone estabilishment. Car 32 called on the air stating he was at scene and that LZ was secure. Mercy Flight 7 responded from Buffalo and transported the patient to ECMC. Cause and extent of damage by accident are unknown. Apparatus on Scene: 33M1, 33E5, Tri-Town 1, 2M1, Car 32, and NCSD.


MVA Rollover:
The morning of Good Friday Upper Mountain firefighters were alerted to a reported rollover accident on the I-190 near the Power Authority with unknown extent of injuries. Upon arrival of 26M7 he reported multiple patients including young children Lewiston #1 ambulances and Lewiston #2 ambulance were all requested. Traffic control and fluid clean-up were also requested of by Upper Mountain apparatus. Youngstown and Tri-Community were alerted for stand-by due to amount of ambulances on scene. 2 patients were transported to ECMC, 3 patients were transported to Children's Hospital, and additional sign-offs occured on scene. Apparatus on Scene: 26M1, 26R2, 26A8, 26R9, 26R9A, 7R9, 7R9A, 8R9, 31R9, Tri-Community 1, NYSP, and LPD.


Structure Fire:
At approximately 7pm Sanborn and Lewiston #2 firefighters were dispatched to Smoking Joes Trading Post (2293 Saunders Settlement Rd.) near the Deli for a fire in the Diesel Engine Room. Upper Mountain RIT Team was placed on stand-by. Upon arrival of 21M7A there was a confirmed fire and Pekin was requested on stand-by at the Sanborn Fire Hall. All operations were on Ops 1 and fire was out within 10 minutes. Unknown cause and extent of damage. Apparatus on Scene: 21E1, 21E2, 8E1, 8E3, 17E3, Car 32-1, and LPD.


MVA w/ Serious Injuries:
At approximately 245PM St Johnsburg and Tri-Community monitors were alerted to an MVA with injuries at the intersection of Niagara Falls Blvd. at Errick Rd. Upon arrival of 20M7A he requested Fire Police from both St Johnsburg and Adams to shut-down Niagara Falls Blvd. between Ward Rd and Errick Rd. Mercy Flight was also requested at the same time. Due to numerous calls in the county this incident was placed on Ops 1. 1M10 landed Mercy Flight in the intersection on the EMS/Air Ops channel  and a patient was transported to ECMC. Twin City Ambulance was also requested to transport a patient with chest pains. Due to Tri-Community being tied up on-scene Shawnee was placed on stand-by with an EMS crew per Car 32-7. Cause of accident is unknown. Apparatus on Scene: 20E1, 20M2, 20M3, 1M3, 1M10, 1M12, Tri-Community 1, Twin City, 22R9, and NCSD.


Bus Accident:
Approximately 10 minutes into Wilson's MVA at 4PM Pekin and Tri-Community get dispatched to an MVA involving a bus with students complaining of minor injuries. Within minutes patrol notifies dispatch that there are 11 students total but only 4 with injuries. Car 32A calls on location and requests Car 32-7 be dispatched. Tri-Community called enroute Intermediate level and requested Unit 2 to be dispatched. No answer from Unit 2 prompted Shawnee's ambulance to be requested. Car 32-7 notified fire control at termination of incident that 7 patients signed off and 4 patients were transported to EMSTAR. Apparatus on Scene: 17E3, 17M6, Tri-Community 1, 22R9, Car 32, Car 32-7, and NCSD.


MVA w/ Injuries:
At approximately 3:50PM Wilson firefighters were dispatched to and MVA with Injuries at the entrance to the Thomas Marks Elementary School (429 Youngs St.). Upon arrival of 28M7B who assumed command requested fire police to shut-down the road and also requested Olcott's ambulance mutual aid to the scene. Patients were transported to ENH:Newfane with non-life threatening injuries. Apparatus on Scene: 28E6, 28R9, 16R9, and NCSD.


House Fire:
At approximately 11PM Lewiston #1 firefighters were dispatched to a reported house fire at 4952 Vrooman Dr. Upon arrival of 7M7 he reported a working house fire and LPD confirmed that all residents were accounted for. Moments later command requested an Aerial from Upper Mountain to the scene, an Engine from Youngstown to stand-by at Lewiston #1, and for all units arriving on scene to switch to Ops 1. Later into incident Youngstown's Engine and Air Trailer were requested to the scene to assist with overhaul and rehab. Ransomville was then placed on stand-by in their own quarters. Cause of fire and amount of damage is unknown. Fire is being investigated by Town of Lewiston Fire Inspector. Apparatus on scene: 7E1, 7E2, 7E3, 7A8, 7R9, 7R9A, 7M11, 26A8, 31E10, 31M11, 18E1, Car 32-1, LPD, YPD, and Lewiston Fire Inspector.


Bedroom Fire:
At approximately 6:45PM Lewiston #1 firefighters were dispatched to 4711 Creek Rd. between Swann Rd. and Ridge Rd. for a reported structre fire. Upon arrival of Lewiston PD Car 55 and 7M7 it was reported to be a bedroom fire in a 2nd floor apartment. Fire was extingushed by dry chemical extingushers. Cause and amount of damage is unknown at this time. Origin and Cause Investigators were requested to the scene also. Apparatus on scene: 7E1, 7E2, 7E3, 7A8, 7R9, LPD, and Origin and Cause.