May 2009 News
Added Benefit for Tim Williams to the events calendar. It is going to be held on Sunday, July 12th, 2009 from 12noon-6pm at the Wrights Corners Fire Hall. Tim is a fellow friend, 19 year firefighter, and 15 year state fire instructor. Please come out and support him!
If anyone has an information on major calls that happen please send me an e-mail with the specifics as I can't always listen in and my scanner feed isn't hooked up yet. Thank-you!
On Saturday May 2nd, Wendelville Fire Company hosted this year’s installation of officers for the Niagara County Fire Chief’s Association. Past Chief of Lewiston #1 and State Fire Instructor Les Myers installed the following officers for 2009 – 2010.
President Shawn Christman Wendelville Fire Company
Vice President John Thilk South Wilson Fire Company
Secretary Robert Hoover Sanborn Fire Company
Treasurer Jeff Tower Youngstown Fire Company
Directors Dan Hausman Terry’s Corners Fire Company
Richard Silvaroli Frontier Fire Company
Richard Bilson Lewiston #1 Fire Company
Niagara County Training Awards were presented by Niagara County Fire Coordinator James Volkosh and Assistant Director of Emergency Services John Cecula. The Niagara County Fire Company accumulating the most training hours last year was the Lewiston #1 Fire Company. Fire Chief Kevin Macaulay accepted the trophy on behalf of his company. The firefighter with the most training hours was Robert Fritton Jr. of the Gasport Chemical Hose Company.
President Christman introduced five members in attendance:
Glenn Wendt Sanborn Fire Company
Peter Martin Sanborn Fire Company
Elmer Walter Wendelville Fire Company
Merritt Thilk South Wilson Fire Company
Warren Rathke Wrights Corners Fire Company
These five firefighters have better than 290 years of service to there fire companies in Niagara County.
Updated events calendar.
Please continue to send in information!
Sorry the page hasn't been updated recently, I've had a very hectic schedule and will do my best to update this weekend/next week. Please e-mail me with anything you need posted.
The Niagara County Volunteer Firefighter's Softball League had its 1st official week last night and they play every Tuesday night. The link to the website is as follows and it has team listings, schedules, and standings.
Niagara County Volunteer Firefighter's Softball League
Duplex Fire:
Around 12:30PM Middleport firefighters were dispatched to 8958 Rochester Rd for an unknown type fire in the residence. Caller stated that her laundry room was on fire. Upon arrival of 10M7 smoke was showing and he declared it a working fire and requested Gasport's aerial mutual aid. Occupants were safely evacuated but later gave authorities a hard time and tried to re-enter structure for belongings. Fire was extingushed in approximately 10 minutes with extensive overhaul beginning. Tri-Town was requested for 2 ambulances to evaluate occupants. Terrys Corners was requested mutual aid for Fire Police to shut down Royalton-Center Rd. at Rochester Rd and to do a fire standby for Gasport. Shelby was requested to standby at the Middleport Fire Hall. Area 4 Origin and Cause were requested. Cause and extent of damage is unknown. Apparatus on scene: 10E2, 6A8, Tri-Town 1, Tri-Town 2, 25M4, 25E1, Shelby FD, MPD 31, NCSD, and Area 4 Origin and Cause.
MVA w/Injuries:
Around 10:30AM Wolcottsville firefighters were dispatched to an Injury MVA in front of 8247 Akron Rd reported to be a commercial truck struck a telephone pole. Upon arrival of 29M7C telephone pole was completely sheared off, laying on side of road, but lines were still safe to public. Shortly after EMS arrived Mercy Flight was requested due to mechanism of injury. LZ was in a field at the scene. Terrys Corners was dispatched for manpower. Mercy Flight 5 responded from Batavia and transported to ECMC. Cause of accident is unknown. Apparatus on scene: 29E2, 29R9, 25M4, and NCSD.
Trailer Fire:
Niagara Active firefighters were dispatched to a working trailer fire at 69 Anthony Dr at approximately 5AM. Upon arrival trailer was fully engulfed. Command requested Lewiston #2 and Upper Mountain RIT as mutual aid. Cause and extent of damage is unknown. Red Cross was called to assist displaced residents. Area 1 Origin and Cause and Car 32-6 responded. Apparatus on scene: 12E1, 12E2, 12E5, 12M10, 8E1, 26E2, Rural Metro Ambulance, Town of Niagara PD, NCSD, Area 1 Origin and Cause, and Car 32-6.
Abandon House Fire:
Pekin and Sanborn were dispatched to a reported house fire at 2347 Lower Mountain Rd. Upon arrival of 17M7 he reported fully engulfed fire, cancel Sanborn, and have 1 Pekin engine respond Cold due to abandon house. Cause and extent of damage is unknown. Apparatus on scene: 17E1.
Double Building Fire:
North Tonawanda was busy overnight with two buildings on fire. Numbers 286 and 290 Oliver St. both engulfed in flames. One builiding is a commercial building and the other is a 2 1/2 story residence. Adams was called in mutual aid to Fire HQ for stand-by. Apparatus on scene: NTFD E4, E6, E7, R1, T1, C10, C1, Twin City Ambulance, NTPD, 1E1, 1M11, and 1M12.
Bedroom Fire:
Frontier and Bergholz were dispatched to a reported house fire at 2165 River Rd. 5E1 called on the air awaiting manpower and stated visible smoke from station. 5M7 arrived on scene updating dispatch that it was a bedroom fire, all occupants evacuated, and requested Tri-Community for 1 ambulance. Cause and extent of damage is unknown. 1 patient was transported to WCHOB. Area 2 Origin and Cause was requested to assist in investigation. Apparatus on scene: 5E1, 5M2, 5E4, 3E5, Tri-Community 1, Tri-Community 2, NCSD, and Area 2 Origin and Cause.
Trailer Fire:
At approximately 3AM Rapids firefighters were woken up and dispatched to a reported trailer fire with unknown status of occupants at 183 Dove Dr. in Suburban Acres Mobile Home Park. Upon 19M7B responding dispatched advised him that it was a confirmed trailer fire and he requested South Lockport for 1 engine mutual aid. 19M7C quickly arrived on scene and reported all occupants escaped safely and unharmed and there was a fire in the rear of the trailer extending into the wall(s). Upon entrance of interior crews fire was found out to be in area of hot water tank. Fire was quickly extingushed. Utilities were immediately contacted to assist in shut-off. The American Red Cross was requested to aid 4 occupants (1 adult and 3 children) who were displaced. No one was injured at this incident. The exact cause and amount of damage is unknown at this time. Area 4 Origin and Cause was requested to investigate. Apparatus on Scene: 19E1, 19E2, 19R9A, 23M6, 23A8, Rural Metro 550, NCSD, NYSP, and Area 4 Origin and Cause Investigators.